About Our Treats!
Our treats are Pet Approved!
There are no harmful preservatives in any of our tasty treats.
Ingredients Include: Oats, Bacon, Eggs, Salt, and Vitamin E (industry trade name "Mixed Tocopherol" as a natural preservative).
Our Epic Chefs!
Did you know that 85% of individuals with special needs desiring to work cannot find a job? 75% of our Epic Chefs could not find a job before Wigglewow. Since working at Wigglewow, each has flourished in the Dog House (Wigglewow's commercial kitchen) and in their commuity. A perfect example is Danielle with her baby Bella.
Our Epic Chefs help create every bag of treats. Upon delivery of your treats, the back of the bag will tell you a little more about one of our Epic Chefs on the team.
How Can You Help Us Grow?
Want to really help Wigglewow succeed?
Subscribers are the key to Wigglewow’s successful future and ability to create more careers for adults of all abilities!! A Subscriber purchases blue bags of Wigglewow dog treats and receives them on a regular basis.
Become a Subscriber and tell others you know how to become a Subscriber.
At checkout, you will have the OPTION to choose one-time purchase or become a Subscriber! Our goal this year is to grow to 1,000 Wigglewow Subscribers.
Founding Sponsors!
People with Special Needs paint the world with beautiful colors each and every day.
Help us keep them painting the world by becoming a Founding Sponsor. For just $400 dollars you can keep this dream alive. You will also get 13 free bags of dog treats of any size and your name engraved on a brick of our new building when we break ground and build our first one.
"Sometimes real superhero's live in the hearts of those who are fighting big battles. Peoples dreams don't ever end "